Special Support Centre (SSC)
At Steyning C of E Primary School, we have a ‘Special Support Centre’ (SSC) for 10 children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).
The Special Support Centre at Steyning C of E Primary School, known to the children as Robins, is a 10-place facility. Pupils are placed in the SSC by the Special Educational Needs Assessment Team, Children’s Services at West Sussex County Council in consultation with the Head Teacher, Teacher in Charge and the Speech and Language Therapist.
All pupils who are admitted to the SSC at Steyning Primary School must have an Education Health Care Plan or are likely to get one if attending an Early Years SSC and have speech and language as their primary area of special needs.
In this area of our website, you will find information regarding the SSC in Steyning CE Primary school. Please see the SEND area of our website for information about special educational needs.
Our SSC Operating Policy explains in detail how we will support and make provision for children in the SSC. Please see below.
Our SSC Prospectus will answer any questions you may have regarding the SSC. Please see below.
For more information or advice, please contact: Miss Ann-Marie Allen SSC Teacher in Charge via the School Office: 01903 813420.