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Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education and Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) are an integral part of life at Steyning C of E Primary School and are a part of all that we do. The intention of our PSHE/RSHE Curriculum is to deliver a curriculum that is accessible and age appropriate to all children and will allow them to become healthy, independent, and responsible members of society. It will help them to understand how they can personally develop socially and give them the skills and confidence to tackle many of the social, moral, and cultural issues that are a part of growing up in society. They will learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what this means in the context of living in a diverse society. The children will be encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth and develop the strategies and knowledge to live mentally and physically healthy lives.

PSHE Values

LOVE – we show love for ourselves, each other, and the world around us.  We will learn to love ourselves by recognising our strengths and areas we would like to develop. We will be able to form and maintain rewarding, safe and respectful relationships with friends, family, and people within our communities.

HAPPY – we show happiness by recognising how are actions help us, our friends and family to live happy and successful lives. We smile and show empathy for how others are feeling, which in turn helps us to feel happy and content.

RESPECT – we show respect by recognising that with rights comes responsibilities.  We learn to appreciate and respect the diversity of our society and recognise that our differences are a strength.

COLLABORATIVE – we show collaboration by working together to make our school community a happy and tolerant place.  We understand that change can happen in our world when we work together.

CURIOUS – we show curiosity by finding out about people and places beyond our own communities.  We are self-reflective and learn more about our personal strengths and areas we could develop.

BRAVE – we show bravery by standing up to intolerance and unfairness.  We are brave when we make changes to our own behaviour, helping ourselves to become the best version of ourselves that we can be.

Click here to view whole school Vision & Values.