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Nurture (Caterpillars)

Welcome to Caterpillars                                                   

Caterpillars is the nurture room at Steyning C of E Primary. It is run by our Children’s Mentor, Ellie Yurtsever. We provide non-judgemental pastoral support and guidance to pupils and their families, promoting high expectations, raising aspirations and facilitating academic progress. Caterpillars is a safe place that has a home-like environment where all children are welcomed, nurtured, valued and empowered in order to overcome barriers to academic, social and emotional learning.

Such Barriers may include:

  • Low self-esteem / low motivation
  • Low Mood
  • Social skills
  • Emotional Literacy
  • Emotion Regulation
  • Worries/Anxiety
  • Personal Organisation
  • Behaviour
  • Friendship difficulties
  • Loss and Bereavement
  • Disengagement from learning
  • Attendance and punctuality problems
  • Changes in home life

Mrs Yurtsever



Support we offer

  • One to one mentoring sessions tailored to the child's needs.
  • Focused group sessions
  • Support at lunchtimes
  • Specific interventions such as Lego Therapy and Circle of Friends.
  • Liaising with parents/carers and teachers to support progress.
  • Supporting children’s transition at all stages throughout their school life.
  • Signposting support for families from outside agencies and be the school link where appropriate.

In this area of our website, you will find information about how Caterpillars works in Steyning C of E Primary school and ways in which we support pupils and their families.

For more information or advice, please contact:
We are always happy to help and talk to parents/carers about all aspects of their child’s social and emotional wellbeing, home and school life.

You can contact us by calling the school on 01903 813420.  

Alternatively, please feel free to email us via the school office; [email protected]