House Teams
At Steyning CofE Primary school we have four school houses: red, yellow, green and blue.
Every student and member of staff is sorted into one of the houses and throughout the year they must work as a team to gain the most house points and win the House Cup.
This year we have increased the profile of house points, which children can earn through good behaviour and showing our school values in action.
We celebrate weekly house team winners, as well as half-term winners. The winner of the half-term award will be able to come to school in their house team colours, so that all can celebrate their success!
Please see the house points results in the Weekly Digest sent to you by Mrs Harrison on a Friday or on the TV screens that are dotted around the school (there is one in our foyer for parents to see).
Meet the Captains
House Captain: Eleanor House Captain: Callum Deputy House Captain: Lyra Deputy House Captain: Coco
House Captain: Olivia House Captain: Harry Deputy House Captain: Leonie Deputy House Captain: Cameron