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At Steyning C of E Primary School, we aim to provide a safe, caring and friendly environment for all our pupils to allow them to learn effectively, improve their life chances and help them maximise their potential.

The School recognises that students will learn best in a safe and calm community that is free from disruption and in which education is the primary focus. Staff, volunteers, students and parents have a responsibility to report bullying as soon as possible. They also have a responsibility to implement the preventative strategies outlined in the policy.

We would expect pupils to feel safe in school, including an understanding of the issues relating to safety, such as bullying and child on child abuse. We also want them to feel confident to seek support from school should they feel unsafe.

Definition of bullying

‘Behaviour by an individual or group usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally’. Safe to Learn: embedding anti bullying work in schools (2007).

How does bullying differ from teasing/falling out with friends or other types of aggressive behaviour?

  • There is a deliberate intention to hurt or humiliate.
  • There is a power imbalance that makes it hard for the victim to defend themselves.
  • It is usually persistent.

Occasionally an incident may be deemed to be bullying even if the behaviour has not been repeated or persistent – if it fulfils all other descriptions of bullying. This possibility should be considered, particularly in cases of sexual, sexist, racist or homophobic bullying and when children with disabilities are involved. If the victim might be in danger, then intervention is urgently required.

What does bullying look like?

Bullying can include:

  • Name calling
  • Taunting
  • Mocking
  • Making offensive comments
  • Physical assault
  • Taking or damaging belongings
  • Cyberbullying - inappropriate text messaging and e-mailing; sending offensive or degrading images by phone or via the Internet
  • Producing offensive graffiti
  • Gossiping and spreading hurtful and untruthful rumours
  • Excluding people from groups.

Although bullying can occur between individuals it can often take place in the presence (virtually or physically) of others who become the ‘bystanders’ or ‘accessories’. There is no hierarchy of bullying – all forms should be taken equally seriously and dealt with appropriately.

Bullying can take place between:

  • Young people
  • Young people and staff
  • Between staff
  • Individuals or groups

Our school strategies for preventing bullying

  • As part of our anti-bullying policy, we ensure that all children are involved on a yearly basis in developing a class contract, which stays on display on the classroom wall. This ensures that all children from their first day in their new class are aware of the acceptable levels of behaviour and the parameters in which they must work. The whole school also follows a behaviour policy for consistency.

  • Staff are quick to inform colleagues of important problems with pupils including behavioural issues, or any form of child-on-child abuse. Children of concern are also raised weekly with all staff. All bullying incidents are written up and followed up.

  • Parents are telephoned in all but the most minor behavioural incidents involving their children.
    There is communication with parents to confirm if more important detentions have been metered out.
  • Staff offer a team approach to the pastoral support of pupils.
    Commencing with the class teacher and head of year (Team Leader), issues can be taken further to the senior leadership team by pupils who have more sensitive concerns.
    The learning mentors also play a vital role with pastoral support

For more information please see our anti-bullying policy below.

For support if your child is being bullied or if your child is bullying others please come and talk to the Safeguarding Leads in the school, Nicky Parkin or Sue Harrison or use the link below.

NSPCC Support with bullying